Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Midterm Blog Post

        Throughout the first half of the year in 21st Century Global Studies, I learned a lot of useful things that will help me in future situations. One of these things is screen shotting an image. This was especially useful in the creation of the team wiki. In the future, I may need to record something, or show someone else what I am seeing on my computer screen. Screen shotting also  is great to use when I need to explain something that even a paragraph could not. Now that I know how to screen shot an image, I will easily be able to do that by only pressing a few keys.
        Another very useful tool I became familiar with over the year was Windows Movie Maker. Our class was assigned to make multiple videos and without Windows Movie Maker, I would not be able to edit the videos I had to turn in. By using this video editor, I won third place in my section of the Flat Classroom Project. It helped make the point of my whole video clear, and because I learned so much about it this year I will have more experience working with it to improve my projects in the future

Evernote is another useful tool I learned about this year. Evernote is like a notebook on a computer. It is very useful because I can access it anywhere I need, even on another computer I did not use to take the notes. I learned that I can even open it on the go by adding it as an application on my cell phone.

Diigo, another important web tool, was something that helped me immensely in this class. Diigo is a website that keeps things all in one place. Without Diigo, I would not be very organized. Diigo allows us to bookmark, or save a short cut to, web pages that seem important. This helped me because once I was finished researching, I was able to go back to Diigo to look through all of the information without having to start from scratch. This tool also lets you make things public, so that other users may benefit from your searches. 

Another very important technology tool that will definitely help me in the future is iGoogle. This tool also helped me stay organized, but in more depth. iGoogle lets a user customize their own page with gadgets and widgets that will benefit them. The widgets can range from the week's weather to the top stories in the news. I will be using iGoogle  in the future because it is customizable to a user's needs and keeps everything in one place.

         In this class I got to experience many situations that will be helpful to me in the future by teaching me how it is to work with a team. One experience that was very new to me was meeting with my team mates from the Flat Classroom project. These people were from different countries but we had to work together to make a team wiki. At times it became difficult because we could not always communicate well. But, it was very valuable and I will always remember working with the people I met.


        Another global learning experience was reading Thomas Friedman's book The World Is Flat. His book taught me a lot about globalization and global collaboration. It really opened my eyes towards the idea that the whole world can be brought together by the internet. This was another valuable global learning experience that will be useful to me in the future.

The third important global learning experience this year was video chatting live with students from other classrooms all over the world. This really showed how we can come together and learn, even though we are not in the same room. This was a very interesting experience and I also had a lot of fun during it.

Digital citizenship is very important whenever a person is dealing with the internet and other people. In this class, that is something that occurred a lot. Although it is fun meeting new people and learning from them, it is also important to handle yourself correctly. One thing about digital citizenship that I think is very important to remember is that you need to be careful with the people you are associating with and to be cautious of the things you do/post. Just because there is a backspace button, that does not mean that you can undo serious actions. This can be as simple as saying something rude to a person to as critical as giving out your last name to a stranger. I learned so much valuable information in just two marking periods of 21st century global studies and I am very excited to see what I will learn before the end of the year.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Development in Motion

This assignment taught me a lot about how different three countries could be. To start off this activity, we each chose three countries. I chose the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, and the United States. Then we chose different indicators on the y-axis to see the difference between countries. Each set of data brought a lot of questions to mind that I researched. 
 Life expectancy is the expected number of years a person will live. This is a chart of all three countries' life expectancy from 1800 to 2000. Each country has an increasing life expectancy. The United States has a very high life expectancy. This could be because America is medically advanced and has discovered many ways to keep people healthy.
 Over the years, each countries' overall sanitation increased. In general, a  developing country are countries which have not reached a significant degree of industrialization relative to their populations. In addition to that, most developing countries have a low standard of living. This may be why the Democratic Republic of the Congo is far below from Egypt and the United States.

Total electricity use was the third indicator I chose. In 1960, each country was fairly close in terms of total energy use. Throughout the years, the US quickly rised, while Egypt and the Democratic Republic of the Congo stayed low. One of the reasons that the United States uses so much energy is because it makes a lot of the world's goods. Also, Egypt and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have a smaller population than the United States.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Final FCP Project, 2A

World Wide- Without the Web

Video Theme:World Wide Web

Hyperlink to Video: Final Video
Summarize your video (100 words or less): I was in group 2A and my topic was the world wide web. In my video, I compared how different life would be if the world was never connected and displayed how we would need to substitute technology.

What was your assigned topic for this video?

World Wide Web

If you had time to improve your film, name three things you would improve in order of their importance.

1- I would have made it longer and added more details.

2- I would have more factual information.

3- I would have added more pictures in my video.

What did you learn from the process of creating your video?
I learned that I can be independent and create projects by myself.

How close was the final video to your original "pitch" to your teacher?
My video was very close to my original idea.

Who provided you with an outsourced clip?

Find more videos like this on Flat Classroom Project

What feedback do you have for the person who created your outsourced clip? (include at least one positive and one well-phrased critique)
Thanks so much for the outsource video! It followed what I asked in a creative way. It was just a little bit long. That's fine though.

Was the clip you received what you expected?

What did you learn about the process of depending upon someone else to fill your outsourced request?
I learned from other class mates that some people are not very dependable or do not always follow deadlines. Thankfully the person that signed up to do my outsource video was dependable.

Would you do anything differently next time?

Who did you provide an outsourced clip to?

Find more videos like this on Flat Classroom Project

What is the best thing about your clip?  The thing that needed to be improved?

I think I followed the request well. To improve my outsource video, I could have had a larger crowd in the background.


Group Assignment: 2A, World Wide Web - Overview
Hyperlink to Group Wiki: Group Wiki

Overview of Topic
Tim Berners-Lee was the man who founded the World Wide Web in 1994. This made world collaboration much easier. Netscape was the first widely used web browser. A web browser allows anyone with access to the internet to search information. Any information can include not only text, but pictures, videos, and sound. Netscape was one of the main reasons the world is "flat", as read in Thomas Friedman's book, The World Is Flat. This book explains how the globe is so much more connected because of the internet. The world in not only limited to relying on computers to stay connected, but cell phones are improving too. Smart phones give us the ability to go on the internet as fast as we could on a computer, except at any time. This makes a huge difference in our lives. The world wide web lets anyone communicate with family members from anywhere around the globe. Without the web, it would take much longer to write and send a letter. World collaboration has changed the life style of the world.

Research Process
Thomas Friedman's book, The World Is Flat, definitely helped me understand my topic in more detail. The video was not as helpful in helping me understand the topic as the book was.

I really enjoyed working with other people. My team was overall very reliable and easy to work with. The main obstacle we encountered was getting in touch with all of the team members. Some were not able be available at times I was, and some did not communicate well through the wiki. I dealed with that problem by talking as much as I could with my other team members. Our main strength was that we all split up the work that needed to be done equally. Our group did adequately cite soures. I am very happy with my team wiki because I think it turned out very organized and full of information.

One thing that I would like for anyone to know who will be doing a project like this in the future is that it can be very confusing at first. It does not always make sense as to what tasks you need to do. My advice is to ask not only your teacher as many questions as you need, but also ask your team members questions. Usually this will make things a lot clearer to you and this will make things easier to do throughout your project.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Virtual Handshake

Find more videos like this on Flat Classroom Project

Making a short video about myself was a fun experience. It was hard to narrow down a few things I wanted to include in it, but I would still do it again. It also gave me an idea of what future projects are going to be like.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What's My Sentence?

"She is ambitious and wants to reach her goals, even if people do not think she could."

Thinking of a sentence for myself was harder than I expected. Properties about myself don't really pop out to me, which might be why I found this assignment difficult. I have been myself for almost sixteen years but I still do not know who I really am yet.