Monday, January 16, 2012

Development in Motion

This assignment taught me a lot about how different three countries could be. To start off this activity, we each chose three countries. I chose the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, and the United States. Then we chose different indicators on the y-axis to see the difference between countries. Each set of data brought a lot of questions to mind that I researched. 
 Life expectancy is the expected number of years a person will live. This is a chart of all three countries' life expectancy from 1800 to 2000. Each country has an increasing life expectancy. The United States has a very high life expectancy. This could be because America is medically advanced and has discovered many ways to keep people healthy.
 Over the years, each countries' overall sanitation increased. In general, a  developing country are countries which have not reached a significant degree of industrialization relative to their populations. In addition to that, most developing countries have a low standard of living. This may be why the Democratic Republic of the Congo is far below from Egypt and the United States.

Total electricity use was the third indicator I chose. In 1960, each country was fairly close in terms of total energy use. Throughout the years, the US quickly rised, while Egypt and the Democratic Republic of the Congo stayed low. One of the reasons that the United States uses so much energy is because it makes a lot of the world's goods. Also, Egypt and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have a smaller population than the United States.

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